Save time and money.
Reduced risk of privacy violations.
Get your photos ready for publication in no time. changes the way you deal with photo-related privacy concerns.
Our AI engine takes over the tedious task of blurring faces.
Less tedious tasks
Concentrate on thing that create value
No more excuses. Handle privacy with ease.
Our service will help businesses, organisations and professionals.
Subscribe and you'll be one of the first users.
Features we are currently working on.
Define persons who won't get blurred
Boost your app with our technology
Upload and process multiple photos at once
Empower your business with
The heart of is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) that is capable of finding faces on photos. All found faces are blurred automatically.
Like many of you, we also have been confronted with privacy concerns due to persons portrayed on photos without their consent.
Because it wasn't just one but dozens of photos in question, we've either ignored the concerns (which is bad) or didn't publish the photos (which isn't cool).
As we weren't able to find a solution to the problem, we took matters in our own hands and started working on
Rarely. With the mailing list, we give you the opportunity to let us know if you are interested in This helps us validate if there's need for such a product.
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